Cam Cam - Glorious

May your glorious name be praised! May it be exalted about all blessing and praise. You alone are the Lord, you made the skies, and the heavens, and all the stars. Yo u made the earth and the seas, and everything in them. You preserver them all, and the angels of Heaven worship you.

(glorious) He is the image of the invisible God that we can't see
(glorious) Firstborn of all creation, by Him all things were created
(glorious) That's physical, even that's invisible
Whether it's a throne, a power or a principle (glorious)

It was all created for Him and for His glory (glorious)
He is before all things and in Him all things are held together
(glorious) He is the head of the body of the church
Which consists of all who believe

(glorious) He's the beginning, there's none before Him and the firstborn from the dead
(glorious) so that in everything he would have the supremacy
(glorious) God was pleased to have his fullness to dwell in Him (glorious)
and through him to reconcile to Himself all things (glorious)

from the earths to the heavens he made peace through the blood on the cross (glorious)
sins that I couldn't afford for he took my tab and he paid my cost Oh he's so (glorious)

this includes you who were once far away from God (glorious)
you were his enemies, seperated from Him by your evil thoughts and actions (glorious)
yet now, he has reconciled you to himself through the death of Christ (glorious) in his physical body
and as a result, he has brought you to his own presence, (glorious)
and you are holy and blameless, and stand before him without a single fault. It's so glorious, it's so glorious.